Course Syllabus

Classroom Management







Welcome to your new course!



Macmillan Education South Africa is committed to education in general, and the needs of you - the teacher - in particular.


The South African teaching profession has had to deal with change on a scale that has often been perceived as overwhelming, over the past two decades. As our government seeks to establish and refine a curriculum that creates foundations for a stable and thriving social and economic future for all South Africans, teachers like you, at the proverbial ‘coal face’, must adapt to change very quickly. Each curriculum revision brings challenges. The phasing out of outcomes-based education and the introduction of the National Curriculum Statement (NCS), incorporating the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) into our schools has created a situation in which many teachers feel that there are gaps in their tooltip FACT purple ICON.pngprofessional competence. This experience is enhanced by social challenges such as poverty; the effects of HIV and AIDS on communities; pervasive inequalities in access to resources and global changes in technology.  

We have realised that teachers need to enhance their expertise so that they can successfully deliver all aspects of the new curriculum, in any social context. Macmillan, therefore, has made teacher developmenttooltip TIP blue ICON.png one of its primary focuses. The goal is to empower, motivate and offer skills development opportunities to all educators in South Africa. However, rather than providing limited opportunities in isolation, Macmillan has decided to provide educators with a learning pathway for continuing tooltip HINT red ICON.pngprofessional development.

Macmillan Teacher Campus was established because of this decision, and the Expert Educator Series provides another way for Macmillan to achieve its goals.


Ready to begin your learning journey?!

The modules in this course are arranged in a suggested order. However, you can click through the material in any order you like.

Each module is based on a unit of learning. Each module is followed by one or more practice quizzes, which will help you to consolidate your learning.

You should feel comfortable enough to work at your own pace, and to attempt the quizzes as many times as you like - there are also suggested responses supplied. 




 How To


 Course Description












 Author Info



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format at the end of this online course.

*Discussions, video clip inserts and the assignment not included.


Course Summary:

Date Details